Spam post (alt av rimmel å rammel)
Engelsk vits:
The worst bus conductor ever. He wouldn't wait for the people to get on and one person actually dies due to his negligence.
He was hauled in front of the jury and sentenced to death.
So he waits on death row for a little bit and goes to the chair.
The executioner asks him "any final requests?" and the bus conductor looks over to the executioners lunch and says "is that green bannana? Can I have it?"
The executioner hands it over and flicks the switch for the chair.
The lights dim and then come back after the deed is done, and surprisingly the bus conductor is still alive smiling and holding this banana.
So they check the rules and he's free to go.
There’s a shortage of bus conductors, so he gets his job back.
He didn't learn though and another person dies. So same thing death row etc.
The executioner has phoned up the electricity board and asked for more juice.
The conductor asks again for the banana as his final request and the executioner flicks the switch.
The entire states lights go out and when they come back, everyone is amazed to find the conductor smiling and alive.
So again he’s let free.
Again, a bus conductor shortage gets him his job back, but this time a serious accident occurs. Huge pile up, many dead.
This time the executioner gets the entire country to route extra electricity into the chair.
Everything else goes as normal, he gets into the chair, and his last wish is for this green banana.
The executioner throws the switch and the coutnrie’s lights go down.
Volts flying everywhere etc. finally, everything returns to normal, but the bus conductor is smiling away happily.
The executioner sets him free, but before he lets him go he asks, "How are you surviving, what’s with the banana? What’s its secret?"
The bus conductor looks at him and says "The banana’s got nothing to do with it, I’m just a poor conductor."
sykt braIBTB wrote: ... ackot3.gif :D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol::D:lol:
Seriøst! Den her MÅ dåkker sje! Hehehe
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